Self Employed/SME

Company Car

  • SAVE Insurance Auto Self Employed/SME
  • The basis of car insurance is the compulsory civil liability. This covers material and physical damage that you may cause to third parties as the driver of a motor vehicle. This insurance is usually offered with legal assistance guarantee.

    An extension of the above coverage is comprehensive insurance. The first option is a small comprehensive. This covers damage to the vehicle that is not necessarily caused by a collision. Examples of incidents covered by this guarantee include fire, theft, natural disasters, glass breakage and collisions with animals. 

    The next option is a full comprehensive. The coverage of a small comprehensive is extended to cover vandalism and vehicle damage due to collision. Damage to your vehicle will be reimbursed or the value of your vehicle will be refunded if the vehicle is beyond repair, under the terms of your insurance policy. The material damage to your vehicle that cannot be recovered from a liable third party is compensated by this full comprehensive.

    Additional extensions are possible: driver insurance, towing, and breakdown assistance with replacement vehicle, if needed, throughout Europe.

  • SAVE Insurance lichte-vracht Self Employed/SME
  • The basis of car insurance is the compulsory civil liability. This covers material and physical damage that you may cause to third parties as the driver of a motor vehicle. This insurance is usually offered with legal assistance guarantee.

    An extension of the above coverage is comprehensive insurance. The first option is a small comprehensive. This covers damage to the vehicle that is not necessarily caused by a collision. Examples of incidents covered by this guarantee include fire, theft, natural disasters, glass breakage and collisions with animals. 

    The next option is a full comprehensive. The coverage of a small comprehensive is extended to cover vandalism and vehicle damage due to collision. Damage to your vehicle will be reimbursed or the value of your vehicle will be refunded if the vehicle is beyond repair, under the terms of your insurance policy. The material damage to your vehicle that cannot be recovered from a liable third party is compensated by this full comprehensive.

    Additional extensions are possible: driver insurance, towing, and breakdown assistance with replacement vehicle, if needed, throughout Europe.

    We can also insure the contents of your van. Covering your merchandise, entrusted property, and equipment against possible damage to prevent financial losses caused by theft or accident.
  • SAVE Insurance Vloot Self Employed/SME
  • From a certain number of commercial vehicles, we can apply a fleet rate for your insurance. This fleet structure can be applied to passenger cars, delivery vans and/or trucks. By placing all your vehicles under one policy, you opt for transparency and clarity.
  • SAVE Insurance Andere Self Employed/SME
  • Do you own a vehicle that requires statutory civil liability insurance? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We are happy to help you with a personalized quote.
Self Employed/SME


  • Building

    This insurance is a must for both owners and tenants of a building. We recommend that you cover yourself against the financial consequences of possible claims. Damage to the building where your company is located can be caused by fire, storm, hail, water, broken glass, natural disasters, etc. Damage to your property can have major financial consequences and even jeopardize the continuity of your activity.


    In addition to the above, you can insure your professional equipment, stock, material, and furniture. Expand your insurance with additional guarantees, if applicable, such as thawing of merchandise, theft, business damage, machine breakdown and indirect losses to avoid financial consequences after damage. If meeting certain requirements, insurance for all risks is possible. We are happy to look for a solution that offers the appropriate protection for your professional situation.

  • SAVE Insurance Gebouw Self Employed/SME
  • SAVE Insurance Aansprakelijkheid Self Employed/SME
  • During the performance of your activities, there is a chance that damage will be caused to a third party. This insurance covers the liability of yourself, your employees, and your company in the event of physical and material damage in the context of your professional activity. Depending on your activity, the following guarantees can be offered: Exploitation, After delivery, and Entrusted property.

    If you own or rent a property that is accessible to the general public, an objective liability insurance is legally required in case of certain parameters. That way you protect yourself against damages that victims of fire or explosion may demand from you. Even without proof of wrongdoing, you can be held liable as the operator.

    Any director or manager can be held personally liable after committing a gross error. Protect yourself with directors’ liability insurance.

  • Choose a temporary or annual solution to cover travel inconveniences. Protect yourself and your employees against the financial consequences of medical costs abroad, repatriation in case of illness or accident, or the possible early return due to the death or hospitalization of a relative in Belgium. Insure yourself and your staff against cancellation, possible travel interruption and issues related to your luggage.
  • SAVE Insurance Reisverzekering Self Employed/SME
Self Employed/SME


  • SAVE Insurance Arbeidsongevallen Self Employed/SME
  • As an employer, you are obliged to take out statutory occupational accidents insurance for your employees. Protect all your employees against an accident in the workplace as well as on the way to or from work. This guarantee provides cover in the event of, among other things, incapacity for work, death and medical costs.
  • SAVE Insurance Groepsverzekering Self Employed/SME
  • Encourage your employees to take out group insurance! This can be more beneficial than a pay rise. Group insurance is fiscally interesting for both the employer and the employee. And can consist of the various guarantees such as hospitalization, pension or disability coverage.
Self Employed/SME

Business Manager

  • Are you aware of the financial consequences for you and your company in the event of long-term incapacity for work? What if you are involved in an accident or become incapacitated for work due to illness? Or how to maintain the same lifestyle at retirement age? What about your relatives in case of your sudden death? 

    It’s never too early to think about your future financial situation. Save tax-efficiently through your company. Protect yourself against incapacity for work due to accident, illness or even death. 

    As a business manager, consider policies such as VAPZ, IPT, executive insurance, or guaranteed income. 

    We assure you that both you, your family as well as your professional activities will not be short of anything.

  • SAVE Insurance Zaakvoerder Self Employed/SME